Change in liberal values of Ukrainians during the war
How is the attitude of Ukrainians to freedoms often called "liberal values" changing? The research company Gradus Research conducted a survey on liberal values and analysed the dynamics of change compared to the pre-war period.
The first insight of the research is that people admit that they have lost control of their lives and cannot take responsibility for what is happening. According to 54%, their lives depend more on external circumstances than on themselves. Two years ago, there were 40% of them. The number of citizens who do not bear any responsibility for the state of affairs in their city or village has almost doubled (from 28% to 48%).
"The level of uncertainty in society is increasing. The number of "Not sure" responses increased significantly. And this is quite natural, because the current situation leads to an active reassessment of the personal position on many issues," says Evgeniya Bliznyuk, CEO&Founder of Gradus Research.
We can also state awareness of the importance of strengthening the state's defence function: answering the question "If you had the opportunity to increase funding for the army or education and culture, what would you support?" 66% of respondents chose the "Army" option. Two years ago, this alternative was supported by 29% of respondents.
The war undoubtedly affected the unity of Ukrainians and support for the national idea. 73% of respondents are in favour of the transition to full education in the Ukrainian language in schools and universities of Ukraine, compared to 67% the year before.
Those who did not support decommunization in 2020 are now hesitant or consider it necessary. Only 11% of respondents are still against decommunization, instead of 28% in 2020.
People's desire to understand the country's development trends and see its prospects remains consistently high — 94% in 2020, and 93% of respondents say so now. The situation is similar with independence in judgements, actions, and affairs — 94% of those surveyed two years ago aspired to it, and 93% take this position today.
The results of the survey also indicate that the level of altruism and involvement of Ukrainians in helping others is increasing. A total of 64% of respondents reported their participation in charitable or volunteer activities, in 2020 there were 47%. More people began to put the interests of the group above their own interests — in August 2020, 39% of Ukrainians chose this position, and now — 44%.
The survey was conducted by the research company Gradus Research using the method of self-filling the questionnaire in the mobile application. The Gradus online panel displays the population structure of cities with more than 50,000 residents aged 18-60 by gender, age, settlement size, and region. Survey period: June 21-22, 2022, sample size: 1,000 respondents.
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