Migration Intentions of Ukrainians in Ukraine and Abroad

July 2024
Research of Migration Intentions of Ukrainians in Ukraine and Abroad

*You can download the report with infographics using the form below.

In times of crisis and war with an uncertain duration, new push factors emerge and existing ones intensify, which can encourage Ukrainians to consider a possible relocation abroad. At the same time, Ukrainian migrants have different sentiments about returning to Ukraine, depending on their level of adaptation to life in the countries of temporary residence or other factors. Gradus Research has conducted a large-scale migration survey of Ukrainians in Ukraine and abroad and analyzed their moods, aspirations, and willingness to make plans in the face of uncertainty.

The majority of Ukrainian migrants surveyed (64%) have not adapted to life in the countries of temporary residence, so they intend to return, but cannot decide on the timing

The factor of adaptation significantly affects the intention to return to Ukraine, as indicated by 55% of respondents. And those migrants who work remotely for Ukrainian companies (70%) or are temporarily unemployed (68%) are most eager to return.

The experience of aggressive behavior on the part of residents of countries of temporary residence also indirectly affects adaptation: about a quarter of respondents (23%) said they had experienced such behavior.

Nevertheless, 60% of respondents feel personally safe abroad, and somewhat more (65%) are concerned about the safety of their children, and for them this becomes a significant barrier to return.

As for the expected timing of return migration, the vast majority of respondents (62%) are not ready to give exact dates.

“Uncertainty lies in the nature of the war, so it is expected that both Ukrainians in Ukraine and Ukrainian migrants cannot make clear plans for possible relocation abroad or return to their homeland. But it is important that, along with security and economic factors, the factor of “prospects” is also growing: the desire to have a clear picture of the future for their children is increasingly dictating their migration intentions. Both businesses and the government should pay attention to this when building their communications,” comments Evgeniya Blyznyuk, sociologist, CEO&Founder of Gradus Research.

Guaranteed stable employment is the main push factor for return for 41% of respondents

For 36% of Ukrainian migrants surveyed, the availability of financial assistance in Ukraine at the time of return is important, and for 33% - the possibility of obtaining or arranging housing in safe regions of Ukraine. About a quarter of respondents (27%), on the other hand, are ready to emigrate back if Ukraine's air defense is strengthened.

At the same time, the main push factors for the possible migration of Ukrainians are security ones.

Namely, a threat to their own life and health or that of their loved ones (76%), possible occupation of the region of residence (72%), and lack or loss of housing (63%).

Importantly, after the life-threatening factors that may encourage people to relocate, uncertainty about the future of their children (58%) follows. Therefore, it is expected that those respondents who have children under the age of 18 (48%) consider migration more often than those who do not have children (31%) or have children but are adults (30%).

In terms of regions, respondents living in Kyiv (59%) or in the East of Ukraine (52%) are most likely to relocate in case the situation worsens.

More data is available in the report. You can download the report with infographics through the form below.

Content and structure of the report "Migration attitudes of Ukrainians in Ukraine and abroad"

Ukrainians in Ukraine

✓ Intentions to move abroad in case of aggravation of the situation in the country (disaggregated by gender, age, region of residence before and after 24.02.2022, previous experience of migration abroad or within Ukraine, presence of children, employment status and marital status)

✓ Reasons for the decision to move abroad: by gender and age

Ukrainians in EU countries

All questions are presented in the following parameters: gender, age, marital status, presence of children

✓ Availability and condition of housing in Ukraine

✓ Assessment of the level of adaptation in the country of temporary residence

✓ Feeling safe in the country of temporary residence

✓ Overall satisfaction with conditions in the country of temporary residence

✓ Experience of aggressive behavior from residents of the country of temporary residence

✓ Intention to return to Ukraine

✓ Scenarios of returning to Ukraine

✓ Expected timing of return to Ukraine

Acquisition and use of data

Format of the report: Analytical report in *.pdf

Usage: Exclusive rights to the results belong to Gradus Research. The purchaser receives the results for the company's internal purposes without the possibility of transferring them to third parties or public disclosure of the results in the media, social networks, etc.

To purchase the report: send a request to ai@gradus.app

The survey was conducted by Gradus Research using a self-administered questionnaire in the Gradus mobile application/online platform. The sample reflects the population structure of cities with more than 50,000 residents aged 18-60 by gender, age, settlement size, and region, excluding the temporarily occupied territories and areas of active hostilities.

The Gradus online panel of Ukrainian migrants includes 17,000 respondents and reflects the structure of Ukrainian migrants' stay in countries of temporary protection among EU countries.

The survey included 656 respondents in Ukraine and 607 respondents in the EU. The survey was conducted on May 17-22, 2024.

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