Brand Health Tracking

Regular measurement and control of key indicators of Brand Health help keep your finger on the market’s pulse and fill gaps in brand funnels.
We check:
- Dynamics of the market environment;
- Changes in brand awareness and consumption;
- Brand’s image perception (could be alternated from wave to wave with other important questions);
- General category consumption patterns (optional);
- Last purchase (optional).
You get:
- Understanding of the effectiveness of activities and their impact on brand KPIs;
- Evaluating the performance of key competitors.
All Gradus Products:
- HR Research
- Gradus AdSpot Benchmarks
- Gradus AdTracking
- Gradus of Insights & Innovations
- Gradus Brand Health
- Gradus of Consumer Behavior (U&A)
- Gradus Segmentation Study
- Gradus of Shopper
- Consumer Journey
- Voice of Consumer (Feedback Service)
- Gradus of User Experience
- Gradus of Media Consumption
- Brand Health Tracking