Gradus of Insights & Innovations

Scanning unmet needs and "pain points" of active and potential consumers in order to find winning solutions.
We check:
- Search for unmet needs, "pain points" and consumer barriers;
- Attitude to the new products, materials, packaging, flavors, etc.;
- Reactions to new services and ways of providing;
- Choosing the best concept / design options.
You get:
- Potential of tested materials to drive the product trial;
- Main barriers to purchase;
- Elements of tested materials that could be refined .
All Gradus Products:
- HR Research
- Gradus AdSpot Benchmarks
- Gradus AdTracking
- Gradus of Insights & Innovations
- Gradus Brand Health
- Gradus of Consumer Behavior (U&A)
- Gradus Segmentation Study
- Gradus of Shopper
- Consumer Journey
- Voice of Consumer (Feedback Service)
- Gradus of User Experience
- Gradus of Media Consumption
- Brand Health Tracking